---E-mail message---
Subject: Heavy lies the head that wears the plastic crown
Dear "abusive" Prom King,
Good for you that you even got to use your powers. I, on the other hand, was deposed shortly after being named prom king. Adding to the indignity of the situation, they established a liberal democracy in my place.
Suffice it to say I haven't been to any of my high school class reunions.
...better than last week's.
what powers does a prom king have?!?!
More please. Love PostSecret. Love PostRejects more!
i think he means that he probably took advantage of a freshman.
its guys like that who do the most damange in a young girls life.
You can't be a star on a crew team. It takes everyone's effort in the boat to do well. I'm a coxswain and I hate when someone thinks they're the star. And if there is a star it's rarely 3 seat. If i ever had to stay one of my rowers were a star it would be one of the stroke seats. The only way there's a star is on ergs but in the boat no. That makes people hate you if you think that way.
vomit one is gross!
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