I was a bit incredulous about the sincerity of this card, but then I googled "Halloween Themed Wedding". It turns out that this sort of thing happens all the time. A host of websites offer suggestions for the perfect Halloween wedding, all of which agree that the couple should always play "Thriller," by Michael Jackson, at the reception.
Halloween themed weddings can be wild and wacky, and they often result in unintentionally hilarious photo montages. Sometimes they are even staged in Thailand by Ripley's Believe it or Not.
A helpful tip for this anonymous card sender, courtesy of Ehow.com: "Don't let anyone talk you out of your Halloween theme wedding. It is after all your wedding, it should be about you and what you like." On behalf of PostRejects, I offer the following bonus tip: don't let the groom pretend to be Beetlejuice. Seriously. Don't do it. Okay, next secret:

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