This guest reject arrived in my inbox with a two word e-mail. "I quit," was all it said.
Here's the reject in all of its befuddling glory:

What the hell am I looking at here? Is this supposed to be one secret, or two? What is the meaning of the title "Prejection"? Why does one of the squirrels need a break? What on Earth is that other squirrel talking about
? What are the squirrels doing there in the first place? And...oh god, the flamingos. I just now noticed all of the flamingos.
This situation calls for desperate measures, so I have opened up the comments to
all site readers in the hopes that you can offer some explanation for this completely perplexing submission.
In other news, there were trying times for PostRejects this past week, with decent traffic but declining ad revenues. I wondered-- would all of my efforts come to nothing? Readers, I confess to you that I may, at times, allowed despair to enter my heart. Yet there has been a light in the darkness, assuring me that this site may yet become profitable!
(It was the one with the puffins)