Sunday, May 31, 2009

Sunday Rejects 5-31

PostRejects later tonight!

Valued Readers,

I'm not going to have access to a scanner until this evening, so expect PostRejects to be up later tonight...say, by 9:00pm EST at the latest.

In the meantime, go buy a shirt or send me your Guest Rejects at

Keep making me money,

Monday, May 18, 2009

Sunday, May 17, 2009

PostRejects Tomorrow Morning

A Message From Fred Jurgens

I promise, the rejects are coming tomorrow morning. Couple of other things in the meantime:


This Secret is False: True or False?

True: 45 (27%)
False: 28 (17%)
Both: 43 (26%)
Neither: 48 (28%)
Total Votes: 163

I think the correct answer is D: neither (or maybe both) and if you weirdos think otherwise you can yell at me in the comments.

(2) I've gotten a bunch of comments re: what I said about Escape the Fate a couple posts ago. To clarify, I think ETF is a very talented band. Very talented at making awful, awful shitty music.

(3) I just discovered that there's a new xanga survey out that has postrejects in it. It has some kind of either-or section that's like, "»PostSecret or PostRejects:" and people pick one. Mostly people have picked PostSecret or said something like "I love both". Bullshit.

Do you have a xanga? I bet you do. Go put this lame survey in your xanga/journal/whatever and tell the world how much you love PostRejects. You can get to it by scrolling down to the post from 3/12 (it's called "All about me") or just doing a CTRL+F for "postrejects".

Alright, that's it. Remember to add me to your twitter.


Sunday, May 3, 2009

Guest Rejects Are Soooo Sorry

Hey guys,

The next regular PostRejects update is coming this Monday (that's in about two days). In the meantime, here's some Guest Rejects. I got these from two different people, if you can believe that:

I think the theme for this week is "saying you're sorry when you're clearly not". Also I listened to Escape the Fate and holy shit they're terrible. I think if you like that band you pretty much lose the right to talk shit on other people's music. Like, I don't even care if the other person listens to Connor Oberst or some shit, you're not allowed to talk. Shit.

In case you haven't yet experienced this crapfest:
Escape the Fate MySpace page
