Sunday, March 14, 2010

Sunday Rejects 3/14

I'm told that the above card is based on a picture of Rachel Kramer Bussel shot by Stacie Joy. Ms. Bussel had this to say: "If I'm gonna be the poster girl for sluts, I want credit, damnit!" Well, there you go. Congratulations!


Elspeth said...

"Daddy issues" is my favorite! :)

Anonymous said...

LOL the daddy issues one. My extravagent sex life doesn't help problems with my dad either. Hmm. :P

Rachel said...

Just fyi, my photo ("daddy issues") is by Stacie Joy and is from the book trailer to my anthology Do Not Disturb: Hotel Sex Stories, which you can watch/read more about - and I of course had no hand in making that, just a few people let me know it was up using that photo.

Anonymous said...

It's getting harder and harder to tell the parody from the real thing...

M.R. Weaver said...

Hahaha, just /somewhat/ self indulgent?

Jason T said...

Goood post