Monday, July 19, 2010


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

sadly I had to read that a couple times to understand it at all.

Anonymous said...

Yeah let's all bitch about how much time Fred spends on trying to entertain us.

Anonymous said...

I for one have not laughed this hard at anything since when that guy pooped in The Human Centipede.

Fred J said...

Who took all of my commenters and replaced them with clever people?

Anonymous said...

Cool, that's a good starting point.

Push it further. If there's a self-awareness that is self aware, that secondary self-awareness is separate from the first self-awareness. So would the third and fourth and fifth and sixth and however many levels of self-awareness you end at.

But then, you'd have to question, what is that me that is self-aware of self-awareness?

I'll give you the answer, it's up to you to check it out and see for yourself.

There is no you.

Literally. You refers to nothing. There never has been a you. You just didn't recognise it.

So, yeah. Check it out mate. It's fucking mental.

There is no you.

Anonymous said...

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